Breaktimes are 12% of each school-day
How well are we providing for over half a million children’s right to play in over 3200 Irish primary schoolyards?
How well are we providing for over half a million children’s right to play in over 3200 Irish primary schoolyards?
MAKING SPACE FOR PLAY IN IRISH SCHOOLYARDS is evaluating existing provision for play in primary schoolyards across Ireland. This is the first research project internationally to examine provision for childrens Right to Play under Article 31, in schoolyards from a National persepctive and also aims to;
This four-phase project will use diverse methods with school communities to gather data on different aspects of play provision and co-design case study exemplars of change processes with schools.
Are you interested in creating schoolyards where all children can play during breaktime?
This project invites relationships with school communities, interested individuals and organizations to collectively evaluate differing dimensions of the existing situation towards informing practice possibilities
Major role of schools
Significance of play
Why is play in schoolyards important in your school?
Despite government commitments to children’s rights, there is limited data on play provision in Irish primary schoolyards. Research has highlighted significant concerns regarding diverse restrictions on play in schoolyards: