Inclusive Playgrounds
Where to Begin When Planning for Playspaces: Design by Inclusion and Inclusion by Design
An integrated model of play provision The Playability Model (Lynch & Moore, 2018) is one way of approaching playspace design to capture the key principles, considerations, and play value factors in the design and development (…)
Universal Design for Playspaces
(taken from NDA CEUD Report, 2018) Lynch and Moore. Universal Design is defined as the design and composition of an Environment so that it may be accessed, understood and used: To the greatest possible extent, (…)
Where to Begin When Planning for Playspaces: Design by Inclusion and Inclusion by Design
An integrated model of play provision The Playability Model (Lynch & Moore, 2018) is one way of approaching playspace design to capture the key principles, considerations, and play value factors in the design and development (…)
Universal Design for Playspaces
(taken from NDA CEUD Report, 2018) Lynch and Moore. Universal Design is defined as the design and composition of an Environment so that it may be accessed, understood and used: To the greatest possible extent, (…)