Making Space for Play in Irish Schoolyards

MAKING SPACE FOR PLAY IN IRISH SCHOOLYARDS is evaluating existing provision for play in primary schoolyards across Ireland.

About this project

This is the first national research project to examine provision for children’s Right to Play under Article 31, in schoolyards and also aims to;

  • Raise consciousness on play rights provision in schoolyards
  • Develop a novel framework of indicators to support the monitoring and progressive realization of play rights in schoolyards.
  • Develop guidance for schools to create optimum conditions for all children to play relevant to the Irish context.
  • Contribute to cross-sectoral education, health & social policy aims.

This four-phase project will use diverse methods with school communities to gather data on different aspects of play provision and co-design case study exemplars with schools.

Why is this project important

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child specifically identifies the major role of schools in providing space, time and permission for children’s right to play.

This obligation is informed by significant evidence on the importance of play to children’s health, learning and social lives.

Breaktimes are 12% of each school-day.

Play rights scholarship identifies breaktimes as an optimum opportunity to provide for children’s play rights within schools which extend beyond play for learning activities.

Despite government commitments to children’s rights

  1. There is limited data on play provision in Irish primary schoolyards.
  2. Research has highlighted significant concerns regarding diverse restrictions on play in schoolyards.

Are you interested in creating schoolyards where all children can play during breaktime?

This project invites relationships with school communities, interested individuals and organizations to collectively evaluate differing dimensions of the existing situation towards informing practice possibilities


Project Plan & Methods

Phase 1
Framework of play rights indicators

- Delphi methods
- United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights guidance   
- Structural , process and outcome indicators

Phase 2
Evaluation of existing play rights provision

- Spatial, demographic and social data from open-source data sets
- National School Survey on schoolyard play provision

Phase 3
Framework Analysis

Charting and analysis of data in relation to play rights provision indicators

Phase 4
Participatory case studies

- Co Design
- Schoolyard Play Value Evaluation, Walking, Mapping & Digital Methods

Click below for information on each project.

National School Surveys
Case Studies
Delphi Study

Join us

Growing Network of schools, educators, health professionals, researchers, policy makers, planners, playground providers.

This research is conducted with the financial support of Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland under Grant number [[GOIPD/2024/783].

The grant was awarded to Dr Michelle Bergin & Dr Bryan Boyle, Occupational Therapists in the School of Clinical Therapies, University College Cork. Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland is the new national research and innovation funding agency, established on the 1st August 2024 through the amalgamation of the activities and functions of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Irish Research Council (IRC).